
Kai Cenat gives an update about charges being brought against him by the NYPD

Kai Cenat has gone live for the first time since his disastrous giveaway in NYC, which turned riotous, and provided an update about what's going on in his life. The Twitch star has revealed that his first court date is on August 16, 2023, and that he might have to take a small break from streaming because of all of the legal cases that he would have to handle in the coming days.

Cenat has been charged by the NYPD with multiple offenses after a meetup organized by him and his fellow AMP members turned violent in Union Square last week. The streamer recently went live on Twitch to address the situation and give fans an update about his legal battles.

Kai Cenat said in the broadcast:

"As an update as to what's going on. You all know, you all have seen it, I'm being hit with multiple charges. Y'all know that already. For streaming, I might have to chill for a little bit due to the fact that one, I got court dates that I have to appear to. My first court date is August 16. That's my first court date."

He also told his viewers that he might be taking a break because of the extent of the charges but assured them that it won't be that big of a hiatus:

"I've got things that I actually have to, you know, things that I actually have to handle. You feel me? I've got charges and stuff like that and I have to go to court and I have to handle a lot of things and, yeah that's it. You all will not be seeing me for a little bit, and when I say a little bit I mean a little bit."

"Don't worry about me chat, just pray...": Kai Cenat reassures fans that he is handling the court cases, asks them to pray for him

Kai Cenat and fellow AMP members had organized a giveaway featuring the PS5 and other gaming equipment at Union Square in New York. However, they were not prepared for the number of people who showed up to the event, and without proper security, things got out of hand.

NYPD spokespersons at the scene accused people in the crowd of harassing others, as well as looting and vandalizing public property. Shortly thereafter, arrests were made, and the park was cleared by law enforcement. Kai Cenat was also detained and subsequently charged.

Since then, the Twitch star has apologized for his mishandling of the situation and revealed that he will fight the charges in court.

The Streamer of the Year reassured his fans that they don't need to worry about him and that all they need to do is pray for everything to go well:

"But don't worry about me chat, you feel what I am saying? I'm going to go handle whatever I have to handle. I love you all so much, and that's about it. You all be positive, be in high hopes and, just pray that everything goes by in a good way."

Before signing off, Cenat thanked his fans again, saying:

"But other than that, I love you all so much. You guys be amazing, you guys be safe. I will see you very soon, I will be back on what I do very soon. And, yeah bro."

Kai Cenat is one of the most popular streamers on Twitch right now and is the current holder of the record for the most number of subscribers, with over 300K at his peak. It is unclear how long his court cases will last, but as mentioned by Cenat, the first date is August 16, 2023.

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Reinaldo Massengill

Update: 2024-07-16